How to Help Your Single Young Adult Child, with Julie Balkman

#104 – How to Help Your Young Single Adult Child with Julie Balkman

Young adults are staying single longer than they did just a decade or two ago. Most people I coach have at least one child who they thought would be married by now. I’ve noticed most parents don’t know what to do to help their child move on into full-fledge adulthood and progress in their life.

Julie Balkman is a certified life coach who specializes in helping young adults (single and married) with self discovery, life-planning & decision making, relationships with self, others, and God. She is known for helping people get out of the dating game and into a real relationship that lasts.  She talks in this episode about what parents can do, and can stop doing, that will help their single young adult child.

To contact Julie:

IG: lifecoach.julie
