Episode 115 – Improving Your Relationship with Your Spouse, Being Afraid for Your Kids – Part 3 of the Ask Me Anything Series
Today’s questions:
Question 1:
What does “Clean up your own side of the street” mean. You say this a lot and I’m not sure what you mean or how to do it.
Question 2:
If I were going to do one thing that would help me have a better relationship with my partner, what would it be?
Question 3:
I have 3 kids who are 10, 15, and 17, and I am so afraid for them. I’m watching what is happening with our youth right now and how so many of them are leaving their family’s religion. I know I have good kids and I can’t imagine they would decide to leave, but I’ve seen other kids that I know are really good kids that are leaving, so I feel like there are no guarantees. What can I do to help them?