Navigating the Holidays with a Mixed-Faith Family, with Jennifer Barnhart

If this is your first holiday season as a mixed-faith family, this is your episode. This is also your episode if you have been a mixed-faith family for a long time and want new ideas of how to celebrate the religious holidays.

Jennifer Barnhart, a fellow life coach, is very intentional in the way she celebrates Christmas and how she connects with God and her family when not everyone believes the same as she does.

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To talk with Jennifer: CLICK HERE

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Full Transcript

Tina Gosney 

Welcome back to the podcast today. I’m glad to have you with me. Glad that you clicked on this episode. There are so many families this year that will be celebrating mixed faith holidays, for the first time as a mixed faith family and wondering how do you do it? What does that look like? I don’t know what to do. There’s also families that have been doing it for a long time, that are still trying to figure it out. Now, no matter what reason you clicked on this episode, I’m glad you’re here. Because I know that Jennifer has done such a great job of navigating these issues in her own family and, and in her own marriage. She has been very intentional in the way that she has celebrated holidays, and then things in her relationships with her family. I know you’ll have just a lot of information, and probably be really inspired by Jennifer just like I am. So enjoy this episode. And I’ll see you on the other side. Hey, I am so excited to introduce you to a coach that she’s not just a fellow coach. She’s just become a dear friend over the last couple of years. And if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably heard some of the discussions that we had early 2021 where we talked about different things different difficult situations you might be in with your family. And this special coach that might introduce you to today is Jennifer Barnhart. And I’m so glad to have you today. Jennifer

Jennifer Barnhart 

Tina, it’s so good to be here. Thank you so much for asking me. This is like old times. It is you and I spent a lot of time talking together and I missed it.

Tina Gosney 

We did. Yeah, I have to. So it’s so good to have you here. And I’m sure this will just feel just as comfortable as it was back then in the beginning of 21. When we did our, our discussions, then. Well, let’s hope so. And I really want to Jennifer here because the holidays are coming. They’re coming up very, very quickly. And I know that when your family is a mixed faith family, that can be tricky. That can be tricky to navigate around religious holidays, when your family doesn’t look the way that it did before. And maybe if it’s new, or if you’ve just been trying to figure it out for a long time. Or if you’re newly in a mixed faith family. It can just be tricky, all the way around. So Jennifer just does it so well. And I knew that when I wanted to have a talk about this, that she was the perfect coach to bring on to tell us some things, how she has made this work and her family and to share some of that with the audience here

in the podcast. Thank you so much, Tina. Yes, it does feel like we have started to figure out some of the things that have made our holidays be better for everybody. Good

Tina Gosney 

because we need you to share them. Okay, all we need to know to know what those things are. So tell me about your family, Jennifer.

So my husband and I have been married for 44 years, and we have four beautiful grown daughters and a lot of grandchildren. And one of my daughters stopped going to church when she finished high school. She was a massage therapist, and she was kind of doing some new age exploration type thing. And she’s older now and she is has come back to church but not our church. But she is exploring her Christian faith. And so that is fun for me to see and work with. All my other three daughters all attended the BYU us and married in the temple. And one of my second daughter, she’s actually one of my younger daughters had some real struggles at church and she had some questions. She had some experiences at church that were hard for her maybe even a little traumatic, and she left the church removed her name from the church she and her husband have said It’s divorced, and she has remarried a wonderful new man. And they have six children together, but they do not participate in church. It’s about that same time, my husband had been struggling with his faith for about five years, and he, his struggles came more in, he did not feel the Spirit the way that we traditionally teach it at church. And so he really struggled to experience the Spirit the way that every he thought everybody else did. And it affected his relationship with God and abroad affected his relationship with himself. And he tried harder and harder and did that for so many years until he his mental health was so affected that one day he said, not going today. And he hasn’t come back. And he he doesn’t have any animosity. He doesn’t. He’s grateful for the way that he was raised. And yet, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with the church or with God or with anything that’s spiritual. That that is not a language that he really understands. Okay, that helps anybody else. He’s an engineer. And the way that we teach the Spirit may not resonate with people that are very concrete, right? Anyway, I have another daughter that’s left the church and she hasn’t shared what her concerns are, but both she and her husband have left. And then my last daughter is serving wonderfully that church, her family, they are happily active, they both attended BYU, she and her husband married in the temple they both serving callings including leadership calling she loves the gospel in her life, she loves. She loves finding to have studying, she loves, you know, growing her spirituality. But some of her older teenagers have expressed a little bit of concern about about the church. And really probably because of our experience, she is so present with them, and I’m able to talk to them. And you know, just, you know, that is a beautiful part, I think about learning from other people. And then there’s me and I am fully active, I go to church, I hold a calling, I go to the temple, I read my scriptures, and but I am softer and more, my heart is a lot softer than it was before this experience has really changed me. Which

Tina Gosney 

I I love that you said that I love that you said your heart is softer. And this experience has changed you. Because I’ve seen the same thing happen in my life and in my heart. In that, I don’t think that. Well, let me back up just a tad. When when I started seeing some of similar things happen in my family, I thought this is not the way things are supposed to go. This is not okay. This was not the plan. And I really fought against reality, causing a lot of pain for myself and for my family. But then as I let go of my own grip of what it was supposed to look like, I realized no, this actually was the plan. This actually is supposed to happen. And we’re all learning and we’re all growing. And what is my experience going to be as I grow through this? Dealing with the things that I wanted to have happen? And that didn’t? Or that haven’t yet? And how do I deal with that? And how do I become a softer, more kind, compassionate person, towards everyone, because of what I’ve my own life experiences.

You know, that is my experience, too. I would not have described myself. I am pretty businesslike with pretty much everybody. I would not have described myself as is overly compassionate. You know, although, although I do have compassion, I have had compassion. But you know, I’ve always wondered if I’m loving enough. And, and this experience has taught me that I do know how to love. I do have compassion. And those are Christ like attributes that I can develop further and I’m willing to, because they’re going to help me love my family better. So that I don’t know. I hope that makes a difference. them knowing that their mother just loved them. Oh, I’m

Tina Gosney 

sure it does. How could it not?

How could it not?

Tina Gosney 

Well, thank you for sharing your story with your family with the podcast. Now we’re going to talk about Christmas in particular, because Christmas is the most religious holiday that we have coming up and maybe, you know, in conjunction with Easter is just the most religious holiday that we celebrate. And so tell us what before your children started leaving before you started being mixed faith in your family, what was Christmas like before that.

So if I had to describe our Christmas in one word, it would have been maybe chaotic. We had fun, we put we did a lot of things. And some of it may be was, was really over the top I, I do, I’m going to admit, I’m a Christmas lover. And in our family, I am known as the Christmas magic maker, and I fully own that description. But I was trying to do at all, everything from making all the gifts to making the decorations, you know, we would have travel and lots of gifts, send me tivities and church functions. And you know, it was probably a little exhausting. And the interesting part is my husband has never loved Christmas. Somehow that’s a holiday that has not resonated with him. Even when he was fully active. He, he was uncomfortable with all the over the Topness. And anyway, so I before chaotic would be would be the word to describe it.

Tina Gosney 

So you being over the top him being less than enthusiastic.

I was probably overcomes compensating a lot, who knows whatever it was, but But I kept us all very busy and active and busy.

Tina Gosney 

So how do you think the way that you celebrate Christmas now compares to how you used to celebrate it?

Well, I think if somebody were from the outside looking and they would say that it’s not much different. We still do all those things we still travel, we because we’re empty nesters, he and I’ve added things that we’ve we’ve really tried to mindfully add things that we both enjoy together. So, you know, we’re both looking for joy and light during, you know, during the holiday season. Something that’s changed pretty dramatically is that we do very little gift giving. We give money to our children and grandchildren. And I totally stay out at the stores starting from

Tina Gosney 

the eyes. So smart.

Well, it takes you know, I have a tendency to be that little of that over the toughness. If I go get you know, if I step into that stream, I am not getting out of it. So. So we we just we just have looked at each part of the holiday, and kind of decided what we enjoy what we liked doing together. And we we do that. And usually I’m the one that creates it. And another thing that I’ve become way more self aware of is that I only have a limited amount of time and energy. It used to be that I thought that that would never run out. Now I know that it does. And so I don’t plan things anymore, that I can’t manage pretty much by myself. It’s not that there’s not people that are willing to help. But this, this Christmas magic, that’s my thing. It’s something I enjoy. And, and so if it’s my thing, I have to be able to do it. And I don’t want to drag people into things that they’re not enjoying. And when I stop, enjoy it, everybody doesn’t enjoy it.

Tina Gosney 

So you’re still the Christmas magic maker, it’s different than it did before.

It will for me it feels totally different. Because Because I stop and really think about what that magic looks like. And not just me, Leah and I, my husband and I sat down and we we made a list of all the things that make Christmas Christmas. And we did it individually. And when we got through with it individually, we got together and put it together. And so many of the things are, you know, are on both of our lists. But but we go from that list and the first thing that I do is make sure that I take care of my own needs first my own spiritual needs, my own physical needs, and my own emotional needs. So

Tina Gosney 

I’ve gone a minute Jennifer, hold on. You’re a mother and a grandmother. Yes. Typically those needs come last. Not first,

are you calling me selfish? Tina?

Tina Gosney 

I’m saying that there are plenty of people that are gonna listen to this podcast that are gonna think Well, that’s really selfish. Yeah. So why do you do that?

Well, because I discovered that, that everything slows down. When you do that, when you take care of making sure that you are getting what your body needs, if it’s food or exercise, your body will continue to function, you’re not exhausted, I get, I get the right kind of food, I get the right kind of exercise and I get enough sleep. And nobody is going to have to worry about whether I’m going to blow up at some time, you know, the few days before Christmas, or on Christmas Day, because I’m way past what I can really manage. Yeah. So that my my spiritual experience, I am still a believer, this is a high holy day for me. And I want to have that spiritual experience. And I get that I usually do a Christmas Advent study guide with multiply goodness. And so I get to study about Christ and community. And that totally feeds my soul so that I’ve gotten what I need spiritually for the holiday. And then you know, the emotionally is more like the physical thing. If I am, I’m taking care of my emotional needs. And one of the things that I did for so many years was trying to manage everybody else’s Christmas expectations, make sure that they had all the magic they needed. And I was also trying to arrange or manipulate all of their spiritual experiences.

Tina Gosney 

That’s a pretty strong word. which relate, manipulate, arrange is not quite as strong as manipulate. I think. Anytime I use the word mean that manipulate with the client, they look at me like, there’s no way I’m doing that. But Jeff shows up in sneaky ways. You tell me how, tell me what that looks like when you try to arrange and manipulate everyone else’s spiritual experiences?

Well, so you know, so we would, we would be having a lot of devotional things. It’s so funny, because we’re doing exactly the same thing. We still, we celebrate admin, as I do it every day within group, but we, we have Advent Sundays now where we light the candles before, that had to be a major spiritual experience. Regardless, I mean, now, it’s like, I’m not worried about whether anybody’s having experiences, what what kind of experience they’re having, they can come or not come, I’m providing this, they can be part of it. But whatever they take away from it really has nothing to do with me. I think

Tina Gosney 

it was probably always that way. If you look back on it, it was probably always that way. You just thought you were providing a spiritual experience for them. But we can’t actually do that for another person. That’s exactly right. It always has to be something that’s an inside job, not something that someone else can manufacture for you. And so now you’re taking control of your own and letting everybody else also take control of their own care of their

own. Yes. That was something really, I learned from my husband.

Tina Gosney 

Tell me more about that. Well,

he was really never having the same experience. I was. I mean, we were doing the same things. I come away from it spiritually filled. He came away from it. Feeling nothing. Yeah, maybe born. You know, so. So once I realized that we’re doing the same thing at the same time, and yet not having the same experience that helped me understand that. I don’t know what anybody else is feeling. I can’t help them feel what I think they should be feeling.

Tina Gosney 

Right? Or what we think that they’re feeling just because we’re assuming in our minds, well, that I’m feeling this way. I’m having this wonderful experience. Everybody else must be feeling this too. Right?

Can’t you feel the spirit? Doesn’t it feel worried? Yes. Yeah.

Tina Gosney 

I would, I’m gonna go out even like, branch out farther than that and say, that’s our entire life experience. We’re all living life next to each other having completely different experiences. Yes. And not even realizing how different our experiences are.

Well, and for me that really was brought home when family members started leaving the church. We both were sitting side by side at church. I am having something that’s spiritually nourishing to me, he is having an experience that really was damaging to him. And, you know, and no matter how much I want him to go and sit next to me, that is not the best place for him to be. Yeah.

Tina Gosney 

And sometimes when you love someone that you do give them that grace, and don’t insist that they are sitting next to you that I understand that this place is not a healthy place for you right now. And I don’t want you here if this is not a healthy place

for you, if this is hurting you, that’s what learning love. I mean, this is, this has been my tutorial on how to love better, because honestly, my brain was screaming look this same as you what you said in the beginning. This is not how this is supposed to be. This is not what I was promised. This is not what I planned. I had this all planned out. It’s not going the way I thought it should. Yeah. Yes.

Tina Gosney 

So what do you think the biggest differences are now between the way it used to be and the way that it is now.

You know, it’s funny, because because so much is the same that the biggest differences is how I feel about it. But there are other things we have added things. Part of the Christmas magic that I bring is is to really sit down and think about how I can provide stimulus to all of their five senses, I usually plan my Christmas around the people that are going to be there. So if we have kids coming or if it’s just going to be a much smaller group, I think of all their five senses, and I and I just go down the list. So you know smell. Of course, there’s always smells of baking but but we make a simmering potpourri that goes on that I make. In November, it goes on the stove, we I refresh it every week or so. And when it walks into my house, it smells like Christmas. I want that for people I want their senses to be totally filled with things. So we’ve got music, and so that let’s see. So that’s smell, hearing, taste, you know, of course, of course there’s holiday food, and you build traditions around that what foods do you want to have? What reminds you of Christmas? What do you want to share with people and and every time you kind of bring in one of those senses, you’re bringing in other things because for instance, we love the caramel corn that we make my husband and I make it together we give it away and so not only are we eating the caramel corn and experiencing that, but we are doing it together and we also have the giving giving to other people. One of our couple values is generosity and that’s one of the things we think about that doesn’t actually have anything to do with the five senses but it’s one of the first things that we plan for our holidays is how are we going to give to others some way where where do we want that? Where do we want either our time or our energy to go? Right back to the senses. Hearing taste smell touch is huge. I plant I used to call them kit magnets all over my house I collect nativities I actually don’t collect nativities anymore because guess what I have enough

Tina Gosney 

you reached your limit.

Well you know there’s really only so much but but you know I I have things that feel soft on on the couch there there are big splashes of color that they can see but then they can also touch it it’s tactile. When I when I go to buy things I’m thinking of what sense will this reach and and then there’s just like little magical delights everywhere we have we have a Santa pull apart doll you know, so there’s six layers of Santa there. The kids love going and finding those things and touching them and holding them and shaking them. So so the way that I do that actually I probably mentioned this a little bit earlier is I sit down by myself. And I create a vision of what I want that holiday to look like, because I am the Christmas magic maker. And I’m well aware of who’s going to be there and where their faith is what the you know what and what might delight them. And, and I just build it backwards. And, and I use the five senses as kind of touch points. But it brings in everything else it brings in time that we spend together. time that we spent separately, we wait we light candles, we do Advent we, we have lights everywhere, I try to light up everything I can. And anything that my husband expresses the tiniest bit of interest in. We’ve got these snowglobes now that we’ve got everywhere, and they were battery, and he has wired them, so they actually go into an outlet. So that we have snowglobes going around everywhere.

Tina Gosney 

Okay, I’ve never heard of a battery operated snowglobe

they’re big. And I you know, and I’ve seen them on Amazon, but our our local Ben Franklin has them. And actually our daughter gave us our first one I don’t think we knew about it either. I’ll, I’ll have to go check, you’re gonna have to go look, because they’re fun. They’re bigger and and since they’re battery operated, the snow goes everywhere. And he’s like, not paying for the batteries. I’ll just wire that into.

Tina Gosney 

Well, he’s an engineer, after all.

He makes contribution that way.

Tina Gosney 

Okay, so what I love about what you just said is that you picture what you want to have happen. And then you work backwards, which I have been working backwards for, I don’t know, decades in my life is to figure things out. But more than that, I love that you said you think about who’s going to be there and what will delight them. Yeah. And so you’re focused on the people and showing them that you’ve thought of them, that you love them that they’re welcome in your home. And that you’ve put the time and effort into trying to figure out what they would like, in their own Christmas celebration. And you have brought your family together that way. I think it really

does. I think it really does. It’s just it, you know, because I mean, this is about me, because this is something that I enjoy doing. I it’s it’s like a talent that I have that I think Christmas magic maker magic maker is the best title anybody could ever have.

Tina Gosney 

I think it’s great did Wait, did you give yourself the title? Somebody tells

you actually, it’s actually my kids, I think I think what happened is I started saying, look, it’s magic. When I light something out for whatever. And it’s the kids, they’re like my mom’s the magic maker. So I think that’s where that came from.

Tina Gosney 

Love that. Do you see any? There has to be challenges there. There are great. So yes, we walk us through what some of those have looked like for you.

Okay, so the biggest challenges that I think that were personal ones. And that was me having expectations that couldn’t be met, because I couldn’t make everybody do what I wanted. So

Tina Gosney 

it’s a hard one to let go of. Yes. Especially when you’re the magic maker,

especially when you’re the magic maker. Yeah, but but it’s not getting hung up on how they’re going to experience the magic, or whatever. It’s like, now it’s like, this is what I have to offer. And it’s enough. And then if they want to pick it up and be delighted by it great. If they don’t want to, that doesn’t crush me because I’m delighted by the magic. I’m great. So we’re good. Hey, so that was one thing, letting go of those expectations. And not trying to manage the spiritual experience. That was another thing but the biggest thing, really, that I think has been a challenge for us as Christmas Eve. Because Because I still feel like that should be a very holy time. And over the last few years, that has not been the perception of some of the people that have been with us, you know, and so they want more fun and whatever and so having us be able to Well, here’s what’s happened is that I’ve just given up on that given up on on making that be anything. I get all the people together some Some time before Christmas, and it’s like, what do we want to have happen on Christmas Eve? And, and I’m like, okay, I’d like to five minute Jesus story, please if we can, and that’s my contribution, and then whatever else anybody else wants. That’s what we do. And one of the things that that I’m looking for is more laughter. More enjoying each other. Okay, so they all contribute, but that that has been the biggest challenge. And I like everything all wrapped up with a bow way before we start Christmas. So I would know usually what Christmas Eve is going to look like. But instead, it happens organically. Just just before.

Tina Gosney 

So managing the expectations, in your own mind has been the biggest challenge for me. Yes, I would say that. Oh, go ahead.

I don’t think anybody else really had any expectations. Oh, really? It was just you? I think so. Why do you say that? Because everybody seems pretty happy with whatever happens. I’m just the one. I am the one that it was never enough for? Or not right? Or whatever everybody else seems to be able to, actually so the truth of the matter is most of my family goes with the flow a little easier than I do.

Tina Gosney 

Has it always been that way? Yes. Okay, good to notice that, like, just a purse? Maybe it’s a personality thing?

Yeah. Well, I have a big personality and lots of big emotions. And three of my four girls do not they’re easygoing, like their dad. And one has a big personality and big emotions. And we all cope with that.

Tina Gosney 

I think managing your expectations of what you thought was gonna happen, and what you want to have happen. And then what you actually get in reality, is one of the most challenging things to deal with at any time of the year. And with any situation, let alone Christmas. Yes, that Christmas. Always. It’s such a pinnacle of the year. Right? It’s for so many, it’s like the biggest holiday that they celebrate. And so how, how did you get to the point where you could let those expectations go? Because I’m sure there are people listening to this that are thinking, No, I I just don’t know how to do what she’s saying that she did.

So coming to realize that I was hurting myself a lot. That then I could be maybe found having an adult temper tantrum pretty much every Christmas? And what that was creating? You mean? How do you put together a magic maker and somebody that who’s so disappointed in the expectations that she is willing to work Christmas for everybody else? Because her expectation set up and met. And so I hear ya, the answer to that is I saw what it was created for me and I do not want that.

Tina Gosney 

I don’t want that. Well, and from what you described, all the work that you put in to Christmas, and then to have an adult temper tantrum. Yeah. Almost just like neutrals, any of your efforts out that you wanted to have happen. Exactly. Because you were insisting it looked a certain way that you weren’t getting

it had to be a certain way. Yes. And I had to really force everybody into doing it the way that I wanted them to. And

Tina Gosney 

that is not enjoyable for the people in our lives. That does not promote family unity family love family togetherness. Fun, hell holiday memories.

Yeah, no, it doesn’t. It didn’t. And, and it’s embarrassing to look back and, and you know, I probably was better. I probably did a better job than I think I did. But looking back and just realizing that my high need to have things be perfect on a level that wasn’t attainable for anybody. Maybe without a staff. Now if I had a staff, maybe I could have attained that. But no, it wasn’t attainable. And now it’s beautiful in and I’m not sure that there’s anything less happening. There might even be more happening. Mail, Christmas ticket bowl. I mean gifts took up so much and we don’t do that. So that’s where we found the extra two time and effort. So,

Tina Gosney 

is there anything else that we haven’t touched on today that you think might help somebody who’s navigating this in their family

be just be really patient with each other. You know, when when this was all really new twists and our feelings were very raw, realizing that I am experiencing emotions that maybe I haven’t had before, the biggest one would probably be fear, I’m really afraid of what’s going to happen. If this doesn’t happen, if Christmas does not happen in the way that it’s supposed to happen, something terrible could happen. Like, I don’t know, somebody could leave the church. And you know, and now I chuckle it’s like, me, having the perfect spiritual Christmas didn’t keep anybody in the church, you know that. So. So that’s what I’d say is, is just a lot more love and patience for everybody, add yourself, find Jesus, wherever you can, you know, do that yourself, take care of yourself that way. And then take a big deep breath, and enjoy it. I love that. So,

Tina Gosney 

I’m just going to, like, tell you my biggest two takeaways from today, okay. First of all, is to manage your own expectations, realizing that you are having an experience, and everybody else is having their own experience, and letting that be okay. And when you manage your own expectations, you also get to have the experience that feels better to you, then maybe the one that you were trying to force, if you had lived tried to force the expectations.

I think that sounds exactly right. I think that’s what I said.

Tina Gosney 

My second line was have patience with yourself with everybody else. And just allow the patients in the love to create a family unit of family that’s enjoying each other. And that is coming together and creating memories that are loving towards each other rather than forcing and manipulating as you said before.

Yeah, and honestly, Tina, that’s something that you might need to practice, practicing patience, and practicing what it feels like to enjoy your people. It doesn’t always come very easy. You have to really let go of some of the things that you thought were just vital. Yes,

Tina Gosney 

I totally agree. Well, I know you have a challenge prepared for us. What was that challenge that we talked about before we hit record?

The challenge that I have prepared for us is to sit down, find a quiet time before Thanksgiving, probably before things really get in, in that high motion and sit down and visualize what you want to have Christmas look like. And really think about those five senses, and, and the people that are all going to be there. And then go ahead and work backwards to create what your vision is. And then just be really aware that our visions never turn out exactly the same way that we envisioned them. Sometimes they’re better. Sometimes we allow them to be. That’s exactly right. Sometimes they’re way better than we could have ever dreamed.

Tina Gosney 

Yes. Beautiful. Thank you so much, Jennifer, how if somebody wants to get a hold of you, after this podcast? How would they go about doing that? Well,

there’s two ways. So I’ve got this email that I send out every every week, or sometimes every other week. And I tell a lot of stories and give a lot of ideas for mixed race families, both mixed faith, marriage, and mixed faith children. So I will give Tina, the link to that you go sign up for my email, and I would love to send you that. And in addition to that, on my website, there is a button that says let’s talk and when my family was first leaving the church, there was so much fear, I was so afraid of what was going to happen for them and, and to me and there was just no buddy to talk to. And so that really is a gift that I can give to you, especially during Christmas time is that I can be there. We can talk I can listen. So so go ahead and do that too. I,

Tina Gosney 

I agree, there is so much fear. And I see, I remember so much fear in me and I see so much fear and other parents, and it feels so lonely and scary. So what a gift that is for you to get people will just come and talk.

Sometimes there’s nobody to talk to. That’s what I found that just nobody for me to talk to,

Tina Gosney 

right. And, Jennifer, as a coach, you just hold space, you just allow people to talk, and to work out the things that they need to say and to feel. And there’s never any judgment. No, when you bring when you just bring your truth and reality into a coaching session.

Well, and you’ve heard me today, talk about all the embarrassing things I’ve done, to my family to myself. And you know, that’s why there’s no judgement because I know that we’re human. And this is a space where you can talk about that. I’m just doing the best I can. I

Tina Gosney 

love that. That’s a great gift. Thank you, Jennifer, for being here today. I have just loved talking with you. Again, I love our conversations, we’re gonna have to do this again, sometime, we are

going to have to do this. again sometime. I’ve really enjoyed it. And I really appreciate you inviting me. Thank you so much.

Tina Gosney 

You are very welcome. Thanks for being here. As you can see, Jennifer has been very intentional, and very thoughtful about the way that she celebrates the holidays, for herself and for her family. I find her so inspiring. And I hope you do as well. And if you do go sign up for her email, the link is in the show notes. And if you want some help from her, you can sign up for that 30 minute call with her. And that link is also in the shownotes. She can help you she really knows how to navigate these mixed faith families and she does such a great job. If you would like some help for me, I work with my clients for six months at a time. But I like you to sign up for one coaching call first before we decide that we’re a good fit together. That call is only $25. And you can find a link for that in the show notes as well. At this time, which is in November of 2022. I only have two open coaching spots in my calendar. So if you are wanting some help, don’t delay in setting up that call. Because it will be several months before I have another opening. I hope you have a great holiday season. A great day and I’ll see you next time